Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ode to "Third-Day Hair"

Oh Third-Day I appreciate you. While some may turn up their noses at you, and think that you carry the stigma of laziness and uncleanliness, I however, realize that you are the official hairdo of busy, hard-working mommies.  I turn to you when time does not permit me to wash my hair, blow dry my hair, and style my hair (after three days), because I'm late for a meeting, trying to rush out the door, and it's more important that my little boy looks cute. You may be third string on the hair line up, Third-Day Hair, but teamed up with baby powder to make my look less oily, it is you that I count on to pull my "I'm a mom, so I don't have the time to do my hair" look together. While we met for a period of time back in my college days, it has been in the last eight months that I have really come to know your qualities, and how you help to make my life as a mommy just a little easier. (Please tell your kin, "fourth-day hair" and "fifth-day hair," and even "sixth day hair," that it's not that I don't appreciate them, because I do, but it's just not as socially acceptable, and while I won't say that I haven't met them, I try to draw the line (even if it means going to bed at 2am) so that I can avoid them.) And that's why I appreciate Third-Day Hair...


  1. you know we all have done this even if we don't want to admit it mine cuz of my curl I don't have such a grease problem but I have bozo hair so I do a rinse and run. I jump in the shower wet my hair and get out. but yes I do the 3 day hair and you know what there is not a dang thing wrong with it. Thank you for talking about it!!!

  2. TOO funny! And oh so TRUE for the Mommy population!!!! Brroke, you have a way with words!!! I LOVE IT!

  3. oh and I can't spell.....your not BROKE....but maybe BROOKE :) sorry

  4. How funny that I would read this today - when I actually am sporting my very own third-day hair! You are hilarious and I love your posts.
