Saturday, February 20, 2010

First Year Stats!

Well, I'm a month late, but since my little guy is officially now a one-year-old (uh, even typing it is crazy!), I decided that I'd list this year's stats.

1 yr check up stats: 9% - Weight
25% - Height
65% - Head (Seriously, you'd think he would look like a malnourished kid
with a tooth-pick body and an orange for a head, but he looks really
Size that Buhba wears: 9-12 months!
# of Doctor's Visits: 20+ (6 visits to the specialists)
# of ER visits: 2
# of Diapers Used: 2,256
# of Wipes Used: 7,034
# of Times I've been peed on: 3
# of Times I've been pooped on: 5
# of Times I've been PUKED on: 17
# of Times #2 happened in the tub: 1 (I just jinxed myself, huh?)
# of Times Noses were wiped: 762
Age Bubha Cut his first tooth: 7 1/2 months
Number of Teeth: (total for the year) 6
Age Buhba learned to crawl: 7 months
Age Buhba learned to walk: 11 3/4 months
# of Swimming Lessons: 9
# of Times I was told that my kid was "huge" and I rolled my eyes (you saw his stats!): 14
# of Times the movie, "Open Season" was viewed: 58
# of Times the movie, "Cars" was viewed: 32
# of words Buhba can say: 6 (Daddy, Momma, Jesus, Who's that?, Dog, Baby)
# of Times the dog food has been eaten: 14
# of Times Mommy has said, "NO!": (Too many to calculate!!!!)
# of Times Mommy thought that she'd end up getting checked into an insane asylum: 10.5
# of Times Buhba melted Mommy's Heart: 50,000+
# of Cuddles from Buhba: 101
# of times Buhba has gone to work meetings or conferences with Mommy: 30+
# of clothes items lost in battle with "blowouts": 9
# of Times toys have been fished out of the toilet: 2 (I'm sure there will be many more!)
# of Times Buhba has dialed someone (sorry Amanda!) on my phone: 10-12
lbs. of Sweet Potatoes consumed: 20.25
# of Times I was BIT while nursing: 6!!! (OUCH!)
# of Months I lasted breast-feeding: 13 (don't worry, I'm officially done!)
# of Times my computer has been pulled down onto the floor: 2
# of Times the dog water was dumped out onto the floor, and then Buhba decided to play in it: 8
# of Signs Buhba can Sign:5 (More, All Done, Thank You, Hat, Please)
# of Toys Received:50 + (19 books for Christmas ALONE!)
# of Wet, Slobbery Kisses from Buhba: Countless!
# of Times Bubha maked the "Touchdown" sign when he watched a basketball game (ha ha): 4
# of Times I found poop on the floor and I didn't know if it was from Buhba or the dog: 2
# of Kisses Blown to me: 100+
# of Times the Dog snapped at Buhba: 4
# of Stories Read to Buhba: 54.5
# of Wonderful Memories: Millions! It's been quite the year, but I wouldn't change it for the world!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bubha's Oatmeal Custard

I've been trying very hard to make sure that Buhba is eating good, nutritious food (and not just what is easiest/fastest to give him). I have been experimenting with some recipes that I've found, and then adding my own mommy touch to. Here's the latest (it's sooooo yummy, it's hard for me to not eat it all!) This is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or just a mid-day snack.

Buhba's Oatmeal Custard
-Make one Cup of oatmeal from scratch. Use whole milk instead of water and add a little bit of cinnamon to taste. (This by itself is really good too!)
-Mix package of vanilla pudding with whole milk (see instructions on the box)
-Mix Cup of cooked oatmeal and mixed pudding together, then add to one cup of vanilla baby yogurt (I like YoBaby).
-Warm in the microwave for about 30 seconds (just so it's warm) and add half a bannana (cut up) on top.

Mommy Modification: substitute fat-free milk for all of the whole milk portions, and use a low-fat or fat-free yogurt.