I've been MIA for a few months, but as you can see from the picture, it's because my little man is keeping me very busy! The latest is that he has some weird fixation with my bras. He'll find them (no matter where I put them), and try to wear them on his head like a hat, or around his neck like a cape. The worst incident was when he decided to bring out my hot pink padded bra into the front room when we had company, and hand it over to my brother-in-law like he was giving him the best gift ever! How embarrassing! Is this obsession just because the bra is a weird contraption? Is it because deep in his subconscious he remembers that the bra once contained a necessity for his life? Or, does the male obsession for breasts just start earlier and earlier these days? Where's Freud when you need him? Hmmmm.... :)
:) Oh I love it!!! Too funny! Well, when we were little we played "pirates" with tampons! We had no idea what they were for a LONG time! I think kids just get obsessed with things they see us with!!!!! Thats a darling picture though!!