I am intrigued by the transformation that my hair has gone through since I've had my baby. For starters, I swore up and down while I was
prego and recouping from a horrible, HORRIBLE haircut that I would be growing my hair out long again. That didn't last very long.
Buhba was born in January, and at the end of April I chopped several inches off. I then re-swore (is that a word?) to myself that I wouldn't cut it again, but yet, I see cute little "mommy cuts" and I envy how fast those moms must be at getting ready in the morning, and how little up-keep a short cut would be. So, we'll see how long I last before the next cut. The other thing is that my hair is falling out. Not shedding (anyone who has ever lived with me, knows that I shed. Heck, anyone who has ever worked with me, stood by me in the grocery checkout line, or even passed me at a red light is probably well aware that I shed. I joke that I could never commit a crime because my dark brown hair would be a dead give-away!) Anyway, about four months after I had Buhba, my shedding turned from a little bit falling out here and there to leaving a trail behind me where ever I go! If you ever need to find me, just follow the hair trail...kinda like a fair tale for frumpy mommies! Seriously, I stare at myself in the mirror each morning expecting to find bald patches (you should see my bathroom floor - or my shower drain...just ask my hubby who has unclogged it several times in the last few months!). Anyway, I heard that this was the norm, but my "norm" is already shedding, so I'm worried that my post pregnancy shedding may just do me in to having to purchase a wig!
Dont buy a wig. Just glue the hair you lost onto a shower cap! It works just as well! Love the blog. Keep it coming!!
ReplyDeleteI go through the the exact same thing. When I was getting my hair washed at a salon, I told the lady my hair was REALLY falling out. She said "oh, that is totally normal after having a baby." After she washed my hair she couldn't believe how much was falling out and had to call her co-workers over to see. Lots of Fun! After two babies I am amazed I still have any left.
ReplyDeletehang in there it will get better ( thats what they tell me any ways)
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I had Justice in January as well, and I am still losing tons of hair. I went to church yesterday, and Andrea (Tiff's sister)said "sorry, but I am picking the off your back" Just the day in the life of a mom!