Friday, August 28, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes!

My husband is an assistant football coach at a local junior college, and with football season in full swing, I'm having some serious flashbacks of last year's season. Has it really been a year ago this month that my husband started coaching, and that I was put on bedrest at 14 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy? It hardly seems real as I look at the healthy, little seven-month-old who loves to give out slobbery kisses to his mommy and daddy, asleep beside me (okay, I admit, sometimes I give in and like to lay him down and snuggle with him in my bed when he naps :) . 

NOTE: If you were watching a TV show of my life, now would be the point of the wavy screen and the flashback sounds... :)

I'll never forget the day that I started having very hard cramps and my stomach went rock-hard. I looked up at my husband in horror, "Honey, I'm not sure but I think that I just had a contraction!" From that point on, it was strict bedrest, and lots, and lots of trips to the doctor's office and later on lots of trips to the hospital. 

I remember listening to my hubby's football games on my laptop as I lay in bed, and feeling the baby kick as the announcer got excited because our team made a touchdown!  I would always would look forward to the weekends because of the football games, but most importantly, it meant that I had kept Bubha in one more week, and every week meant a better chance of survival for our little guy! 

Some times I have flashbacks to a year ago feeling like I am still on bedrest and teetering on the verge of insanity from laying in bed all day :) I would literally countdown the hours until hubby got home from work each day, so that I'd have something to look forward to! 

This year has flown by! That time in my life seems so short now, now that I have something (actually someone) so wonderful to show for it! 24 weeks of bedrest doesn't seem like a very big deal in the grand scheme of things. I know that I've been so blessed because I know that some women unfortunately go on bedrest with less fortunate outcomes. 

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